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...the makers of Equi-Bone!


There can be several contributing factors in the development of bone loss and related issues in horses.  While most research suggests that these complications are most commonly affected by the following factors:  Activity, Conformation, diet and possibly even genetics, mineral balance and mineral availability will play an essential role in the ability of the body to maintain healthy bone structure. 

Bone Loss Indicators
Obvious discomfort and heel pain would be very common in horses with certain types of bone loss and lameness may begin as mild or intermittent and progress to more severe over time. Have your veterinarian evaluate for possible causes.

Sometimes you'll notice the horse will tend to land toe first in an attempt to place more weight on the toes, due to heel pain.  They may display a tendency to stumble and/or appear to lose coordination.  The lameness can effect both feet or may switch from one leg to another from overcompensating and may not be apparent consistently.

Lameness can be more evident when the horse is worked on a hard surface or in a circle.  Due to the discomfort, you may notice that the feet begin to change shape, especially in the foot that has been experiencing the most pain, which tends to become more upright and narrower.

Treatment Options
Traditional treatment options have been limited for addressing bone loss and are based on temporary relief methods.  Traditional treatments result in little to no structural progress in either halting or reversing the effects themselves, but rather focus toward increasing the horse's comfort and ability to cope with the discomfort for the short term (meanwhile, the condition progresses on the physiological level). 

TLC's Equi-Bone
If your horse has a bone complication feed Equi-Bone to increase the supply of bone building nutrients.  Over time the balance of nutrients in Equi-Bone will help to manipulate the body into storing more calcium in the bones, where the goal is to improve the bone mineral density.  This means that the bone is stronger and less sensitive, while it is going through a rebuilding process.  While rehabilitating from an injury or degenerative diagnosis feed at the loading rate for at least 5 months and cut back to the maintenance protocol thereafter to support healthy bone conditions moving forward.

Life After The "Loading Phase"
After you have achieved success on the loading phase of the Equi-Bone program it is important to continue producing the same effect moving forward.  Since you are dealing with a horse that is improperly remodeling bone on their own, it is important to supplement the ability to improve bone remodeling on an ongoing basis so to reduce the likelihood of redevelopment of degenerative bone issues in the future.  To do this give Equi-Bone at the rate of 1 scoop, 2 times daily as a maintenance for the best results in keeping a healthy, sound horse.

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